At home and abroad under joint efforts of researchers, computer vision are widely used seam tracking, weld pool shape and penetration control, detection and control of weld shape in areas such as welding and process automation and intelligence to make an important contribution to .
Given the complexity of the welding process, advanced manufacturingtechnology of welding and users a higher level of demand for new high performance and low cost vision sensing system requirements, the current system must also address the complexity and reliability, timeliness and accuracy , accessibility
And intelligent control and other aspects of the problem.
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Looking ahead, using the latest computer vision theory, the development of welding robot vision sensing and control technology, developed to identify the target environment, keep accurate track and adjust the welding parameters tracking intelligent welding robot has become the field of welding
One of the important trends. Many domestic and foreign researchers in the welded joint robot vision system feature recognition, optimization of welding parameters, welding torch position and orientation adjustment, welding path planning, seam tracking, weld penetration control carried out in such applications
Effective research. Well-known international manufacturers such as welding robot KUKA, GMF, Motoman, Adept, etc. have developed a new visual sensing system equipped with a robot. Compared with ordinary robot, the new robot because of its wider
Applications, more powerful and more superior performance, while widely welcomed by the market, the price is usually twice the normal robot. China have also developed a visual sensing capabilities of the intelligent robot specialty products. With a view
Robots have been used in sleep function automotive, aerospace and heavy components for the production of boilers, pipes, large spherical tank welding production.
Can be expected in the near future, intelligent robotswith visual function will in deep outer space and nuclear radiation environment where the poor working conditions, and completely replaced by welders to complete the welding operation.