
Nuclear saddle latest automatic welding tube socket

    Thick-walled boiler drum, the pressure shell nuclear power plants and other petrochemical containers over the welding of large diameter, thick-walled vessel is one of the key manufacturing technology. (Figure 1) that the welding of large diameter pipe saddles not only a heavy workload, poor working conditions (high temperature welding), high technical difficulty, and quality requirements are very stringent. The 560T over hot wall hydrogenation reactor tube socket, for example, wall thickness of tube socket weld 210mm, diameter 690mm, made of 2.25Cr-1Mo, the use of a manual welding are unimaginable.
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    We weld process requirements under the saddle design of a welding machine welding motion systems, with mechanical saddle tracking mechanism, designed by sports organizations and saddle saddle sync speed compensation, saddle gap of up to 90mm, to achieve saddle gap adjustment during  the welding process and welding with uphill and downhill welding speed compensation to ensure that the weld in the uphill and downhill welding, welding molten pool of metal in different circumstances the flow direction can be the same thickness; to digital design given, showing welding parameters; mainly used for the cylinder and tube socket joints orthogonal automatic welding, the weld was space saddle curves, welded as shown in Figure 2.

