
Civilian electricity too cheap Chinese People power is too heavy!

The following are China, the United States and Eastern and Western Europe than in civilian electricity, by contrast, we can conclude that:
      China's civil electricity too cheap! Italy and Denmark, one in six! One-third of the UK and France! Far lower than some Eastern European countries, slightly lower than the United States. There are so cheap electricity use, for Development and Reform Commission on tariff control
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      China's civil tariff burden is too heavy! GDP perhundred dollars in money to will sell out over two power, the United States eight times, four times the British law. Some developing countries in Eastern Europe 2-3 times! Or would like to thank Development and Reform Commission, NDRC work too hard, if not

Approved prices, the electronegativity of our more heavier.
Price shall be converted into RMB / per kilowatt hour,   per capita GDP in U.S. dollars, the burden of thousands of weight ratio of% degree of price and GDP.

